Why the hell would anyone buy a 996? The loophole explained.

Because it’s a genius idea, that’s why.   A $100,000 car for the price of a new Accord is the definition of a loophole people!  Naturally it’s controversial, but that is why its so genius.  
40th Anniversary Edition is Porsche's successful attempt to make something special.
Faster than the Carrera S or 4S, this narrow car is the “40 Jahre 911” (#1008 of 1963)  
Still quite attainable, the 40 Jahre will catch on like every other special P-Car does. 

Oh I've heard them, bitching about water cooling, IMS, RMS, headlights etc.  Change is never easy, but I've gotten my head out of my ass and bought one.  I can hear them now.

“Hey Mark, how the hell did Adam get back into the car club?”
“He bought a 996, so we had to let him in, technically it is a Carrera.”

In addition to fancy badges, the 40 Jahre had a very fancy X51 performance engine, fancy suspension,
fancy painted interior trim, fancy colored leather, fancy alcantara headliner, fancy paint from the Carrera GT, 
fancy turbo front bumper and fancy wheels.  Fancy fancy fancy.

Engineering flaws have drug the prices down, much further than the real risk.

The 996 wasn’t developed directly from racing as earlier cars were.  That showed in engine reliability which people rightfully fear.  If you want details tough, I can’t share because its bad luck to speak or write about.  Short version:  Bearings and cylinders should not fail, and when they do it aint cheap.  If one understands the risks going into a purchase he/she can get one hell of an automobile for his dollar.  Understanding the risks means reading all the shitty blogs (like his one) and having a plan, not just crossing your fingers.

These risks are real and would keep any car guy up at night.  Shop for cars that have the scariest issues already mitigated or budget to mitigate them yourself.  But don't fear everything,  the internet and paranoia has made people a little nutty here.  Each situation is more unique than you might think, so get some guidance on the car in question and pay for that advice.  Meaning, free advise is worth what you paid for it.  If the issues still keep you up at night buy a warranty, get a Kia Stinger or just take Ambien like I will. 

I’ve personally forgiven Porsche for the unreliability of the past 20 years   That’s not to say I feel the 996 is equal to its predecessors; it isn’t.  Frankly, those incredible predecessors are gone for me, so   I've stopped looking back at cars with crappy a/c and scary handling.  Look forward at the $12-30,000 Carreras on Craigslist right now. The time to strike is last year.   Oh, and dare I say it....

These cars are also superior to their predecessors in many ways too.   Let the hate mail begin.
Clearly visible here the 40 Jahre has no 996 cylinder issues due to the enhancement of the X51 package.  
For those unfamiliar with Carreras: the engine is between the luggage and the spare. 
IMS and RMS issues inherent to 996's have been addressed on this one..  
Lastly,  the Porsche Anniversary luggage set makes me feel fancy inside.  

The available body colored hard back sport seats are NOT ugly?  They are however, uncomfortable.

They are ugly and like strippers, ugly does not fetch top dollar.

True, but they’re only ugly because they’re so unattractive.   Those headlights suck and Porsche back pedaled with the 997's design due to the outcry. That back pedaling sealed the 996's fate as the ugliest Carrera in history. Now that hideousness can be your savior in the form of savings.    For me, I wear bifocals now, so who really cares?

The ugliest Carrera ever made is not necessarily the ugliest sports car ever made. At the end of the day it is still a freaking Porsche and it’s a spectacular sports car.  Just park far from the 993's at Cars and Coffee.

Truthfully, I think the headlights are actually attractive, just different.  Relax, it's just a f#!king headlight, not a nose-ring.

Speaking of ugly,  why didn't Porsche upgrade the brakes to fill out behind the wheel better? 
Stay tuned for my plan.

They are middle aged, and nobody likes that.  Not even middle aged people

These have hit the bottom of their market.  Couple that w/a bottom that is lower than warranted due to hideousness and unreliability and you get you end up with the loophole of which I'm speaking.  You have got to know the shittiest Porsche is still one of the coolest cars in the world.  People are paying $30,000 for VW powered 914's for crying out loud!  I’m not going to build a chart for you because I've lost my crayons, but wouldn’t your rather own a Carrera?  

Here’s how to look at it to fully embrace my genius.  Stop comparing  996's to older and newer Carreras and compare them to sports cars you can afford.  Which do you want?  Can you mitigate the risks to your satisfaction? Do you have sleeping pills?  If you buy carefully, and plan ahead for the unexpected you can drive an amazing car and we can then be friends, because you'll be cool like me.    

996 40 Jahre rear badge is unique, as are the body colored rear bumpers.
In this world of over sensitivity, I''ll clarify for the sarcasm-challenged.  I think the car is magnificent looking.  It is a tremendous automobile,  to drive it is a pure joy, especially when driving fast.  My son fits in the back and spending time together w/him in the 996 will be some of the happiest moments I've had in a while.

Quality information instead of smart ass remarks can be found at  The 40 Jahre Story


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