She's fast enough for you old man.

You can dispense with the pleasantries, I'm here to get you back to reality. This is clearly beyond our price range, it's not the car your looking for. So we are all very excited about the new C7 Stingray Corvette, aren't we? But, let's keep in mind that cars are poor investments. Let's also keep in mind that for some of us money must go to for diapers for a long, long time - then for soccer shoes and lastly college. So, let's all let the emotions settle down and think this new obsession through, shall we? You can go about your business. Move along If you still want a Corvette after taking your heart medicine, then you've got to make some important decisions. Your decision must pay some dividends, or you'll never sell it to yourself or others who might hold the checkbook. I'm here to help, because I don't blog about super cars, and "rationalization" is my middle name. ...