Garage Envy

I'm moving back into my most favorite garage tomorrow. I can confess, I did envy the cool garages belonging to everyone other than me had. Yes, I hated you. Now that I am "home" with an enviable garage all my own, your lives will all be spared. All pictures are compliments of the Rennlist Dicussion Forums. Thanks guys. Just think of me as like a deposed dictator who's just regained his position through the use of an elite fighting force backed by the CIA. I'm back jack! With nary a buck to spend on car wax, but I'm here damnit, and it's all mine. Except for the half that now will belong to my wife. A small price to pay. Cowhorn's RS pretty much is the definition of envy. You have got to have a decent garage or the other guys in the neighborhood won't envy you properly. When a car guy's garage door is open, nearby "domesticated" husbands need to look yearningly as they pass. They should walk past with ba...