the blog of shame

For the record, this is the crappiest blog ever. Basically I've got nothing to say, but I did wash my car. So please don't read it. I’ve already blown my entire car spending budget this year. Any projects this summer will need to be small and cheap. Thankfully the latest car needs nothing in the way of service for the immediate future. However, we all know you can’t just buy a car and be happy. You’ve got to do SOMETHING to it, right? You’re damn right. So the small, cheap projects have begun. I checked my tires. Rectified the squeeking breaks. I wired up my Valentine One and installed a permanent mount. The TomTom is now hardwired. Topped off the oil. Reorganized my toolkit. For the most part, a well bought used car doesn't need too much in the way of small projects, which is good but also boring. A few of the bigger things are too pricey (HID headlights for instance...